“ I remember this .....
I was going to the high computer literacy class
A class that I despise
A class that I dread
I go and sit but .....
It was the last time I sit for all of eternity
As I sit out taking a breath
I don't feel my heart beat
I was sitting lifeless in my chair
Some of the students noticed that I was not doing
The teacher was calling 911 as he noticed that I was not breathing as I just sit there limp
It feels like I was locked in my dead body, my soul that was!
I cannot enter the spirit world and as I try to enter. The realm
I am just at the borderlands
I wish I could move but I could not
Soon they realized what I already know
That I was dead and in limbo! As they realized this they call
The medical examiner instead
Because I ain't breathing
Then I was taking to the morgue
As the drive I scream
"It's the fucking classes that caused my death
The fucking stress and boredom
The fact that I was deciding to break free!"
But what the does the driver say nothing as I try to be heard!
I am processed and borough in for autopsy
The medical examiner said this ....
"Who do we have here today!"
She looks at my papers and said my full name
Elena Melanson
Before she could get the scalpel I tell physically make sounds
Telling her he exact cause of death
"It was that fucking computer lit class
That killed me, it borded and
Stressed me to death!"
She finds this remarkable that I would be able to talk with
My own voice
Then for the last time my soul hits the boarder lands
And goes right to the spirit world
And that was when my body went limp for the last time
Had I found peace?
I am from dearh's cold grip and I find that I am
In a perpetual summer with
Wild followers all over the place
It seems peaceful and I go to the light
I am at peace!”
I finally recovered from my memories the poem that I wrote in high school. That being said I found just the inspiration to the poem to be found when I least expected it! But then I was interrupted by going to a movie the boarder lands! It was like a mad max film and it was going well it was a very good fucking movie to me it was very colourful and it was placed in a desert planet called pandora which was good thank you!
That being said I was having a good day until it was time to go to the work as there was a burst tire and it was more than flat! That kinda pissed me off as I was going to work that is the only thing I have to stay away from set, who will not be quite. Lets says that he likes to ask too too many question! I can’t sand set to be honest with you….some time I can handle it sometimes I can’t! I don’t like the constant questions, not the person I should say! I remember one other person who bugged me to this existent and it is usually someone I meet on a Facebook dating or other dating app, who won’t shut the fuck up…..more often then not it’s a he not she when asking to much questions! I hate constantly being asked questions! I tell set that I don’t want to deal with him or don’t talk to him! Usually I have to say “I am not talking to you!”or I just start ignoring him and I wish some people would ignore this ass for he would nit even say hello, it is just the questions!
Well anyway they the flat tire was what pissed me off and when I got to work, which is my solace from this ass! It was cut short as I was deal with negative emotions and one he starts asking instead of hello he asked it puts me in a bad really bad mood! I let’s say that I have an eversation to interrogation as that was what I was threatened with interrogation as a teenager many times in my life as one question and I will literally put someone in a coma!
This might be my polarized thinking as I don’t like certain people, as some people are just horrible people! The last person who did this I called him a certified psychopath! Because he was acting like it! That was 3 years ago, and I trying to bite my tounge as I don’t want to lose a fight that I did not start! It has happened in the past were I was caught as the aggressor but I was defending my self! I was dealing with to much with the bullying that I became aggressive to half the people on the planet! There are good people who don’t runaround the wrong way but then there are those who will rub you the wrong way…..those are the evil and assining! I don’t know why but it was like that before my ptsd was aggravated and triggered!
I was hailed as good judge of character as a kid and young adult! That being said that is why I am able to make it to the age that I am in now!